Tara Barthel

Living by the law but not at peace?

Good news: Byford women are organising a fellowship video series for women!

This is based on the popular Tara Barthel (see website link) videoseries called Living the gospel in relationships.

About this video series (taken from Tara’s website):

“Many women think they are alone in their struggles to live the Christian life. They have a constant sense of “not being good enough.” There is no peace in their lives. And they are surrounded by broken relationships.

In Living the Gospel in Relationships, Tara Barthel brings the hope of the Gospel to these issues of the heart.

If you are looking for a women’s study that digs deep into Scripture yet doesn’t give you so many rules and to-do’s that you leave feeling weighed down and condemned, this is the study for you.

Be encouraged—the Christian life is not a bunch of rules (and neither is this study)! The Christian life is life with Christ. We are saved by God and we are being sanctified by God. And it really is possible that your life—your life—can be grace-filled, purposeful, and hopeful regardless of your circumstances. Because God is good, and He is for His children.

Come and enjoy Living the Gospel in Relationships. You’ll be encouraged. You’ll be challenged. And you will be reminded of how great the Father’s love is for you.”

Torkilstöten Panorama Jule 2013

“With all wisdom and understanding, he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.” Ephesians 1:8-10

Reviews on the videoseries: “Living the gospel in relationships”.

“I am recommending these teaching sessions, not only because they beautifully avoid the moralistic strategies so common in our me-centered churches, but because she connects our struggle for peace to the only source of peace, the one who is called the Prince of Peace.”

—Elyse Fitzpatrick, author of Comforts from the Cross: Celebrating the Gospel One Day at a Time

“Looking at Scripture, she points out how many women look to the law without fully grasping what Christ has done for them in the cross, and is doing in them by the Spirit. Tara shows how the Christian walk is one of growing repentance, confession, and faith as we learn to identify and close the gap between what we believe and how we live.”

—Colin Smith, Senior Pastor of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church, Arlington Heights, IL

Date and place:

Currently, the series is planned to be held in the consistory room on Thursday evenings and a repeat on Saturday afternoons (for those who can’t make Thursday’s).

There are a total of 8 videos, but 2 videos will be watched per session. The first 2 videos starts on Thursday 19 Juneand Saturday 21 June, Thursday 7 August 2014 the Lord willing.

“…for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men.” Romans 14:17,18
Dülmen, Feldweg -- 2014 -- 2